Friday, October 29, 2010

Metroelectro and 2 new faves!

Ok, so have I mentioned lately haw much I LOVE honeycrisp apples??! OMG.. They are fantastic! And a friend was talking about metroelectro water the other day so I decided to try it too! I do not like Evian, but I like Fuji, however their bottles are not compatible with my cup holders in the car.. dislike. But metroelectro is pretty darn good! {Thanks Daph!} So I stopped by Fresh Market for lunch and got a wrap, water and a few apples! =)

I also picked up some of this... I'm gonna give it a try soon!

It's Friday and all is done in my little corner of the office, my desk is somewhat CLEAN! PTL! Hoping to get outta here a little early today so I can get home and pack before Tyler gets there. We're going to Jackson {Yes, I have that song stuck in my head} to visit Tyler's family! This will be their first time to meet Hardy! sweet boy... Anywho, I still have to pack my stuff! Keller is packed, and Hardy is packed ;-)

Tyler had his Alabama mortgage licensing test today and he PASSED! It's supposed to be the hardest one of the 3 he's already taken for various gulf coast states, and he PASSED! Did you hear me??!!! =) So proud of him!

On a lighter note.. It pays to eat right! So proud of myself for using WILLPOWER over the past 3 weeks! =) So worth it and I feel so much better!

I've lost

pounds in the past 3 weeks!!! WAHOO!!!

These 2 photos were my views on the way home yesterday, both are priceless! =)


  1. Woo Hoo!! Yay you!!! Yay Tyler!! Yay Keller! Well, she does have me for a gramma afterall! That's something to Yay about!!

  2. Congrats Jennifer & Tyler! Keller is one cool adorable baby in her sunglasses, and she has a cool, sweet grandmother!!!
