Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's the most....

wonderful time of the year! Oh, how I love fall! Pumpkins, cool weather, the RED cups at Starbucks (you know what I'm talking about!!), football, sweaters, scarecrows, holiday festivities, not to mention Keller's new fall wardrobe! Yes, I've already bought 90% of it! We're just lacking striped tights to go with her dresses! I just love dressing that sweet girl!

We bought a scarecrow a couple of days ago for our front porch! (We throw them away every year since they've been outside and get all yucky..) Pumpkins are next, then mums, then who knows! I love decorating for fall! Hmmm....this is making me think of stopping for a pumpkin spice latte on the way home! I had one for the first time last week and I can't believe I've been missing out on those all this time! Mmmm.... That would go fabulously with the yummy smelling pumpkin bread that Matthew and Suzanne brought us Tuesday night... Yep, I believe I will! Cool weather is so exciting!

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